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Female Dog Walker
In-home services Housesitting Pet sitting Errands Pet Care Huntington WV


We bring assistance to your door

and virtually everywhere else

our services

how can we help?

checklist personal and virtual assistant
Virtual and Personal Support

Could you use an extra set of hands? Let us help with your to-do list. We can run errands, wait for services, help you with research projects, offer general administrative support, etc. Enjoy the freedom of less stress and more time to do what matters most to you.

pet care pet sitting dogs cats in-home Huntington WV
Pet and House Sitting

Would your precious ones be more comfortable in their own home, avoiding the stress that can sometimes come from boarding and daycare? Whether it is during work, personal or vacation time, we can help. We prioritize the safety and well-being of your home and pets, always.

Service Area

We serve the following Huntington neighborhoods and more:

Spring Valley

Whitaker Terrace




West Huntington


before your first service

the meet & greet

To ensure you receive our best service, meet & greets are required prior to beginning services with us. Whether you are looking for Pet Care or other Concierge services, this is the place to start. This is our opportunity to meet, learn about your needs and how we might serve you. When you have pets, this is the best time for us to get to know them and learn their routine and space. Of course, we will answer any questions you may have before your reservation. 

How meet & greets work:

We'll come to your home at your scheduled meet & greet time

First things first, we'll spend some time getting to know each other. Getting familiar and connecting is most important. We all need to feel comfortable, insuring a good fit for everyone.

Then, we'll go through your paperwork or the information that you may have completed in our system, clarifying any questions we might have. Once that's done, you'll have the opportunity to ask us questions, too!

If we decide to move forward, we'll get you confirmed for your first reservation and celebrate! You will then be able to book directly on our website using the online portal or by using our mobile scheduling app.

Meet and Greet
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